Monday, June 11, 2012


Contrary to or forbidden by law, esp. criminal law: "illegal drugs".
An illegal immigrant.

God is one; desireless; colourless; nameless; deathless; He is the Truth, consciousness and bliss; the ultimate destination; all pervasive and cosmic’

Yes, someone was warned this was coming.No, I don’t always revolve around GOD, nor is this post about Theism, Belief or Spirituality.One question which has influenced me in quite an abstract manner is-What has the largest brand loyalty?Now googling, knowing, saying and shouting out the answer on the screen later, you would want to know what answer I have.
 It’s interesting to note, and yes it may seem obvious now, but that had really amazed me when I felt- “I never thought of this!” Everyone believes, almost everyone, that there is a power which rules and controls us all. That may be a hope in sad times, a graceful moment in happier times or a support in tough times. Somewhere you may all have believed in the word God. Do you get a number for the followers?But the logic of this post is, what things in our lives have illegally been ruling and controlling us like Gods? They aren’t supposed to, they are not desirable, but we want it and we need it. Few things which I have seen very closely and would like to talk about. 

1.      SMOKING- Now half of the people who smoke and were reading my post are already gone for another fag right away. Other half would detest me for speaking this. But seriously, its ruling you. Any smoker would, at one point of time try to quit- tortured by the feeling of being controlled. Some would rather be cool with it always and love it- Die hard loyalist they are.

But if I had to support my assertion with facts, 7 billion people are on this planet and 1.3 billion are smokers, the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the World Lung Foundation (WLF) told the 38th Union World Conference on Lung Health.Did not change the font because I wish to convey it is copy pasted from a trusted source. Numbers don’t lie.It’s not anti-smoking thing, it’s just something which highlights the gravity of one habit which is a common story in every other household. Is it that bad? Has a fag become God for you? If you wish to quit does your loyalty lynch you to resume? Try and think.Illegal God no. 1 huh? (can’t help but this sarcastic smile on my face is here to stay)

 2.      GOSSIP- If you ask me, yes Gossip is another big brand which everyone follows. Quite abstract and unrelated it is to the previous topic. But everyone has been there, done that.
The moment someone says those random people were gossiping about me- BITCH! You are already doing it right away!!!!!!
My mother said, never talk ill about someone behind him. Well everyones mum must have said this. We all do it ! we all have done that!Point is, is it tough to give up? One never thinks this way, never is our little talk about something a gossip. Rather a healthy gossip is always desirable to keep the Grapevine alive. :DIs gossip your Illegal God no. 2 ? It definitely is for me. 

3.      NAIL BITING – Yes if you are reading it then this part is dedicated to you Akash Kumar singh! Nail biting is almost your God! Jokes apart, try to quit this people! Nails can make your fingers look good and full. And this habit isn’t healthy for your teeth also. No. 3 on my list is Nail Biting. Whether after this someone would kill me, but this is a habit hard to give up. All my support to win this unnoticed addiction. Kudos to those who have already quit! :D

4.      CUSSING- !@#$^^%$%^&**(*&^$#@!
Tough is it? Naaaah! But everyone does that! We are all here to admit we have done this at least once in our life. It’s very much in, it’s important for life.  Every frustrated moment is accompanied by it.

 I felt so I conveyed, this whole thing means a lot. One should never give up to something which is overpowering oneself. When we cannot help doing something, its definitely a part of us, but if wish to stop it, its definitely something which is illegally a part of us. Be the change you want to be in ur life. List at least 5 Illegal Gods of your life once in a while and try to keep a watch. Not tough but yes! You don’t want it in you in any case! Nothing in this world has the right to rule us against our wish. Like its said, All the loyalists believe, God did not send us to be slaves, He has sent us to be the change, we all are sent with a purpose. This purpose is definitely not to succumb to our bad habits.Duh?! Huh….. :P :/ :D


  1. Awesome read !! Really thought provoking..Every one shld list their illegal gods...nd i think change will follow suit..

    Keew writing !!

    1. Yep! no one can take control over u... thanks raghav :)

    2. Especially Loved the Brand Loyalty and God connect.... Its not about giving to the weaknesses ,, Who decides whats a strength or a weakness..whats right or wrong,, Maybe man shouldn't struggle all his all life to stay away from these "Sins " and Vices".. he should give in to them and live the way he was supposed to live,,, Without any judgement from "Society",,, completely free,, Guilt free passion and decadence....

      We must act out passion before we can feel it.
      Jean-Paul Sartre

    3. Very well said vikas :)
      Exactly... We should either love the skin we are in, or cut the leg which tortures us... :D
      That may be extreme, but... life is just once :)

  2. now this is something brewed out of a fresh thought :D
