Years back people said things to people to cause misunderstanding between other people. For then it seemed to be an amusement, the all important job to keep the gossip going.
It felt so difficult to survive, being from a different state, not understanding people's motives, being away from home for the first time, being confused about feelings all the time, feeling of being out of place, feeling of being unattractive, unwanted and unimportant.
Then it feels so silly.
Then, that dark phase did not matter.
It may have mattered some day, but the story didn't stop there, I had the courage to rise and try to look into the new day. For me things turned out well. Things only started to look up. I met a friend, I took driving classes, I learnt how not to fall off the scooter while taking a turn, I found solace in cooking, I spent time with family.
Then the darkness hit back, and hit hard. I would not put myself through the pain of putting it in words but can say that the darkness had hit hard. Long hours of staring at the fan all night and endless teras, it never stopped.
Today, it feels silly. But then it was enough to make me stop writing for good.
Life is very precious, and it has a lot in store to surprise you. Do not feel overwhelmed by anything as the darkness waits eagerly to take hold of you again.
After all the writer had the option of ending the story mid sentence, but she put a semi-colon and continued to do the good job. :)